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Pricing & Packages

We offer a variety of swim lesson packages to ensure that you receive an affordable and quality experience. We have 3 different packages for our Private (1/1) lessons. Listed below are our prices for our single lesson package, 5 lesson package and 7 lesson package. The more lessons you sign up for, the more you save!

1 Lesson ...................................... $40.00
5 Lesson Package....................... $180.00
7 Lesson Package ...................... $240.00
1 Lesson ....................................... $55.00
5 Lesson Package ...................... $270.00
7 Lesson Package ................ ..... $330.00
You are not locked into any contracts! If you have purchased a swim lesson package and wish to cancel, we will return payments for any unused lessons and simply prorate your previous sessions. You must pre-pay for the 5 and 7 lesson packages to receive the discounted rate.
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